Every year for as long as I can remember I have created some type of student checklist that I can grab to quickly check in anything I'm collecting, pass to specialists or an event coordinator, keep with my id badge for quick access during a fire drill, etc. You get the idea...a basic check sheet with everyone's name that you can use for anything and everything under the sun. These things are a total must have in every classroom!!!
Over the years I've created several variations of the same basic table, but this year I feel I've totally nailed it on the head. Ahhhhhhh.....perfection. Here it is...
So what makes this one that much better than before? Well...one day as I was perusing my way around Pinterest I came across this teacher's blog showing something very similar, only after cutting her lists apart she had affixed them into a narrow spiral bound book. LOVE the binding idea, but totally not going to cut them apart by hand and glue individually into a book. #1...I don't have time, and #2...writing on paper that has been glued down drives me crazy...paper needs to be crisp, not wrinkled. (Yes, I'm picky!)
So I changed my table to include 4 per page and aligned them perfectly for back to back printing. I also used grey text and lines in the interior to reduce the shadow of the ink from the backside appearing too much on the other side detracting from the writing space. I just ran a test copy and absolutely love how simple and clean they look.
So how will I bind? Well, after I use my paper cutter (no scissors for this lady!) to cut the lists apart (just make one cut halfway between each list...no need to cut on every side), I plan to grab one of my brightly colored pieces of cardstock, cut front and back covers of the same dimensions as the checklists, and bind everything together on our book binder at school. No more random piles of checklists to keep track of!!!
Oh, and the best part? I made a blank one for you and put it as a freebie in my TPT store. Enjoy!!!
Update...here's my process for turning these into a bound book. Cut, stack, bind, DONE!
Update...here's my process for turning these into a bound book. Cut, stack, bind, DONE!
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